🔵 Article: https://www.cohousedems.com/news/titone%E2%80%99s-right-to-repair-agriculture-equipment-moves-forward 🔵 Article 2: https://www.the-journal.com/articles/right-to-repair-bill-for-farming-equipment-advances-out-of-colorado-house/ 👉 My nonprofit: https://fighttorepair.org 🔵 Video on bill passing house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBnCy2XYkR0 🔵 Farm Bureau VP leaves to work for EDA: https://youtu.be/yw9k74Wu6fo 🔵 Farm Bureau endorses politicians that vote against Right to Repair: https://youtu.be/1JAX5mWlaqI 🔵 Why John Deere's memorandum of understanding is useless - interview with an actual farmer: https://youtu.be/7-RgOUT3zeo 🔵 John Deere's MOU: https://www.fb.org/files/AFBF_John_Deere_MOU.pdf 🔵 Interview with Kevin Kenney: https://youtu.be/dKKIr-zZ0-g 🔵 Nebraska Farm Bureau votes 176-1 in favor of Right to Repair: https://youtu.be/QkrHjvjhCQ8 🔵 CT Wilson votes against Right to Repair bill claiming racism: https://youtu.be/b9HyGvqFL0I 🔵 CT Wilson doesn't understand source code: https://youtu.be/ej1MmjCPYqU 👉 Rossmann chat: https://matrix.to/#/#rossmannrepair:matrix.org 👉 Equipment used: 🔵 Chair: https://amzn.to/3MjLrnT 🔵 Microphone: https://amzn.to/3g1hsok 🔵 Mic stand: https://amzn.to/3Vg47ZI 🔵 Audio interface: https://amzn.to/3VuKihx 🔵 Camera: https://amzn.to/3CTk1Av 🔵 Lighting: https://amzn.to/3RSriGC 👉 Stream FAQ: https://store.rossmanngroup.com/faq.txt 👉 Affiliate: › Buying on eBay? Support us while you shop! https://www.rossmanngroup.com/ebay › Rossmann Repair Group Inc is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com 👉 Leave a tip for us via cryptocurrency if we've helped you out: › Credit card: http://bit.ly/postamessage › Bitcoin: 1EaEv8DBeFfg6fE6BimEmvEFbYLkhpcvhj › Bitcoin Cash: qzwtptwa8h0wjjawr5fsm0ku8kf40amgqgm6lx4jxh › Dash: XwQpZuvMvU44JT7C7Uh6xHvkSadzJw9fMN › Dogecoin: DKetsoCvwa2hF29ssgUA4Wz4hxT4kj3KLU › Ethereum: 0x6f6870feb48f08388ee345cf0261e2f03d2fa310 › Ethereum classic: 0x671bfd61ba87edf6365c97cea33d66ba73645510 › Litecoin: LWnbTTAjojZQt68ihFJFgQq3cYHUsTcyd7 › Verge: DFumZ5sMhi3JktLQpsTVtV9xUt3zKDrcZV › Zcash: t1Ko3FkphQYoQroQc8k2DVk4WKMAbmNR8PH › Zcoin: a8QdvArHmdRYe1MjiqtP6jDNe6Z4JgnRKZ 00:00 - Intro 01:15 - Who supports this bill 01:36 - Farm Bureau voted 176-1 in favor of Right to Repair 01:56 - Farm Bureau does NOT represent farmer's interests 02:10 - Farm Bureau VP LEFT to work for dealers 02:35 - Farm Bureau consistently supports politicians who vote against Right to Repair 02:52 - Maryland Farm Bureau claims farmers don't want to fix their own equipment 04:10 - Reality 04:20 - What's going to happen 05:25 - John Deere has no other card to play here 07:20 - John Deere can buy the farm bureau, but they can't buy me 08:45 - Educational material 09:00 - Lobbying work 09:35 - The Farm Bureau is going to show themselves for who they are 09:45 - What farmers should do 11:35 - Automotive industry stood by independent mechanics. Why can't farm bureau stand with farmers? 12:20 - Why this makes me mad 13:04 - What viewers can do